Thursday, 15 January 2009

Make a difference

Even today when the world has changed its thinking and has taken a step forward in technology and other fields it still lacks behind in some cases such as racism. People need to understand it is important to know the meaning of racism, they need to know a person well before form or make a judgement about them. When such judgements are made about a particular person just because of their best friend they are being unjust to that person. 

People need to change their thinking about such issues, forget the past, move on with the future and take things in a positive manner. People who make judgements without thinking should be informed about websites such as newsvine and other blogs where they can see where the world's thinking is heading and they are way behind the rest of the world. 

My only advice to the viewers is that do not make judgements before knowing someone. Racism is a never ending issue and it wont change till people start making a difference.

Posted by Shreshta Belani 

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