Sunday 11 January 2009

Racism, A Never Ending Issue

Working on this project for several weeks have given me enough time to learn from researches on racism toward the Middle Eastern in Australia. Despite knowing issues and cases and pulling perspectives, everything I have done led me to a conclusion that racism, toward any race in any place, has no exact resolution.

In the issue of Middle East people in Australia for example, it is the matter of how government works in tandem with Australian residents, especially in terms of immigration. Years and years, the media have also portrayed the Middle Eastern as dangerous, carry the tendency to terrorist attacks, labeled them with the prejudices toward the Muslims.

The culture of stereotyping as the based of racist behaviors is also something that is hard to be taken away from the society. When another culture comes to an already existed culture, the result will be clash and differences, which lead the existing culture to act defensively. This explain the tendency toward the Australian to be prejudicing the Middle Easterns, ignoring the fact that Middle East itself is complex and can not be labeled with one assumption.

The solution? No exact answer, yet maybe..In accordance to the issue of Middle East people in Australia, the media plays a big role in terms of portrayal and stereotyping. The result? Nearly all the aspects of live in the society is bombarded with racist behaviors. Start from the issue of religion to a more complex issue of immigration that include government, then spread to a place called university, a field of education that should be based on equality.

By : Stella Chandra

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