Discrimination toward the Middle Eastern seems to turn into religious discrimination with Muslims as the object, according to an article of immigration issue in Australia. With the increase demand of Christian-Middle Eastern migrants, Australia has successfully announced that its racist behaviour towards the Middle Eastern is now narrowed down into Muslim.
Thanks to former immigration minister Kevin Andrews, with his statement on how corruption assumption on the Muslim Middle Eastern immigration posts affects chances for the migrants. Does being Muslim and Middle East mean that you are more corrupt? There might be a chance that it is saver to accept non Muslim migrants and replace the staffs at the posts with Australians, but such points of view still sound so stereotypical for me.
A survey by Monash University also shockingly showed that Middle Easterns are not really wanted to be in this country. Seems like the main cause is the shifting governmental period followed by the shifting focus on multiculturalism and pluralism to the need of having skilled migrants. Yet, to my discipline, the fact has something to do with the issue of terrorism attack and stereotype towards Muslims and the Middle Easterns.
However, immigration has added a new way of discriminating the Middle Easterns. And even if they do pass this platform, living in Australia does not mean they are free from racism and stereotype. Australian society has gone contradictive and sceptic towards the Middle Easterns, especially with the Cronulla riots as an evidence of cultural clash. More issues in the next posts.
Posted by : Stella Chandra
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