Thursday, 18 December 2008

Complain about racial discrimination ...

When people believe they have been discriminated against because of race, skin colour or national or ethicbackground, they can make a complaint to t he Human Rights and Equal Oppurtunity Commission, which receives the complaint for the race Descrimination Commisioner. They may speak to Enquiry Officers at Commission offices in various capital cities or at one of the State Anti-Discrimination or Equal Oppurtinity Commision offices which act as agents for the Commission. The Equiry Officers will assist with information about race discrimonation under Federal and State or Territory legalisation and can help with making the complaint. Comlpaints must be put in writing, but not necessarily in English. The Statement should say that the writers believe they have been descriminated against because of race, colour or national or ethnic background. It should describe what happenedm when and where it took place, who was involved, and give the names of anyone else who saw or heard what happened.

A group of  people who have all suffered the same behaviour from the same person or organisation can make a complainf together, just like an individual comlaint. This is  called a representative complaint. When a complaint is received by commission, and if it is start to gather evidance from both side of the complaint: from the person who made the complaint and the person or organisation about whom the complaint has been made the respondent.

In some sircumantances the commission might decided that a complaint should go straight to a public hearing rather than through the concilitation process. The complaint-handling  process is flexible, with the commission reserving the right not to continue with certain cases. The president of the Commission has the power to review decision at some stages of process.

posted by Karina Ekasari Syafruddin

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