Back to the topic of Cronulla riots, the battle that has successfully reflected conflicts between ethnic groups and showed us how a pluralist country like Australia has failed to tackle the challenge of multiculturalism. The attack worth nothing but injuries and death.
Taking the perspective of how the attack was actually a revenge, it is still worth saying that what the Middle Eastern done has put them more into a discriminated and stereotyped group. The attack encouraged Australian people to see them as dangerous and threathening even more.
It is hard to take any perspective of this issue, but for certain, the riot told us that racism is not a piece of cake. It is something that can lead to a huge contradiction. Should Australian take the lesson for being more concern on ethnicity and the issue of identity? Or should the Middle Eastern learn to be more "silent" and assimilate to this nation's culture?
What has caused such a conflict anyway?
A fear of population increasing as the effect of immigration?
Or is it purely because of cultural and identity differences?
The way in which Australian government tried to reduce the number of Middle Eastern migrants coming (see preceding post) does not only reflect the form of discrimination, but might have something else to do with a greater and more complex issue such as economy and politic. More on this topic next.
Posted by : Stella Chandra
Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us
[image: Observations From a Guy In Israel After Iran Attacked Us]
Last night, Iran fired 181 missiles into Israel, sending us (10 million
people, including...
5 months ago
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