Thursday, 4 December 2008


Particulary this is still the effect from the September 11 attacks, and give the effects for Muslim and Arab Australians into racism. Such prejudice has manifested spectrum of violent attacks, mosque and other property damage and slurs. It also has discrimination in access for employment and has the stereotype from mainstream media.

Moslem people appearance become very bad in front of Non Moslem people. Many mainstream Moslem have been stereotyped as terrorist or terrorist sympathisers. 

John howard, Australia ex prime minister, warned all Australian, to be careful and call the police as soon possible if seen something suspicious. Also, he is send the documents for all Australian resident about terrorist from middle eastern.

Please, i know you really worried about your people, but just react in the normal way, how about if that people not the terrorist, and he just send to the jail even he is innocent person???

How can you get rid of this Islamophobia???

Who responsible???

Posted by: Kathy

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