Thursday, 4 December 2008

What is Racism????????????

Rcism is generally taken to mean a belief in the superiority of one particular racial or ethnic group and flowing from this, the exclusion of the other groups from some or many aspect of society. This exclusion is seen as legirtimate simply because of the difference o suppose inferiority of the other group's racee, ethnicity or nationality. Many forms of racism and these ay vary in intensity. At the extreme end of the racist scale, there is genoside, the intentional wiping out of an entrie group of people.

Australia in famous with the racism country, but most of member of Australia not agree that Australia is a racist country. For many etchnic minority communities in Australia their over representation in the ranks of the unemployed remains the matter of concern and racism cannot be discounted as a factor in the situation.

Racism can often only be a perceived by those who are its victims, not its perpetrators. Therefore it is reasonable to contradict the majority view and afirm that there is racism in Australia.

posted by Karina Ekasari.S

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